Kettle and Kame Clay Studio is a place to connect with clay and create in a supportive environment.


Reach out for custom projects


Kettle and Kame Clay Studio is a place to connect with clay and create in a supportive environment. 〰️ Reach out for custom projects 〰️

About my clay journey

I’ve had my hand in clay since high school when I spent my study halls in the art room learning to center clay on a kick wheel.

Initially, I planned to study ceramics at Alfred University, but got lured to study video art, appreciating the moving images and sound. I worked as a video producer for over 20 years but working in clay was never too far away.

Once my children entered elementary school, I found my way back to pottery taking classes at studios near their schools. Over time, I knew the best way for me to gain more clay skills was by dedicating time in the studio.

By October 2022, I ordered my Shimpo VL Whisper and set up dedicated space in my home. A few months later, I added a Bailey 4.9 cubic inch kiln and have been making and creating ever since.

The best part of this has been sharing my space with friends and building an art community. If you are in Brooklyn, reach out and come visit me in the studio.

Kettle and kame are geological formations that form when glaciers melt and recede from their origins. They are the mounds and holes found across the land I grew up on. My dad revered rocks and all things geologic, and naming my studio Kettle and Kame is in honor of him and the beautiful landscapes left behind by the glaciers . These mounds and holes are all over the natural world, and they are the opening of almost every piece of wheel thrown pottery as well.

Why Kettle and Kame?